Monday, February 2, 2015

Recapping C.H.A.D. Four

Graded porps:

If there are any disagreements with the grading, let me know. If there aren't, the final standings are:

The shortest TD, team to score last, and MVP porps all could have turned out differently if certain people had exhibited better decision-making down the stretch, but as it happened @akschaaf won all three of those, and emerged victorious with 63 out of 78 possible points (81%). For his efforts, he'll received a stitched version of 2014 DTotY champ Things Like Math.

Similarly impressive was the performance of @DalkeGeedz, who finished with just 18% of the possible points, losing each of his five highest-rated porps. He does not win anything.

Finally, in an aspect of the contest I just made up, we combine the #chadTRES and #chadFOUR standings:

As our overall two-year champion, @beruitplayer will receive a stitched tweat of 2014 DTotY runner-up, Invisible Ball.

Congrats to both winners. Only 51 weeks until our next post!